Suspicious emails and text messages can look like anything.

I got an email seemingly from my own email address. The hackers told me I owed money and that they had videos of me taken over the last few months, and that if I didn’t pay them in bitcoin, they would release these videos to everybody I knew. The email included a link where I could submit a bitcoin payment–and it really scared me! I ended up deleting the email and changed all of my passwords. I’m really glad I didn’t click on the payment link even though I panicked! Who knows what could have happened!
I get texts all of the time telling me I have payment issues on my Amazon account or something.
I shop on Amazon all the time and my family is on the account too so I really don’t know if there is an issue and one time I almost clicked on the link in the text.
My kids are always telling me that the number one rule is not to click on a link! About a week ago,
I received an email telling me that my payment for a recent purchase was declined and that I could visit this website to resubmit the payment, but something in my head told me to wait before I clicked the link! I went over recent purchases and realized that there was no miss–and I was almost hacked!